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Patient Access
Further Information
Along with your prescription you will receive an attached order form which you should keep safely until such a time that you need to re-order. When you need more medication, you can do one of the following:
Tick the items required on the form and place it in the wall mounted box located in the reception area or post it to the surgery.
Order online via the link at the top of this page. Please note that new users to the service are required to complete a registration available in surgery or can be downloaded HERE
Your prescription can be collected from the surgery or by the chemist along with your request slip.
Please contact pharmacist of your choice to arrange this service.
We do not take prescription requests over telephone.
Alternatively you can leave a written request at the reception by using our Medication Request Forms and placing it in the box provided at reception. If you cannot deliver it by hand, we will accept postal requests as long as a stamped addressed envelope is enclosed.
The practice will accept faxed requests on 029 2038 8832.
Please allow full 48 hours (2 working days) before collecting your prescriptions.
All new patients on repeat medication prescribed by a previous practice must make an appointment with a Doctor or Practice Nurse.
Lost prescriptions will be reprinted at the discretion of the Doctor. Prescription items of an addictive nature will not be replaced
Reduce Medicine Waste
Wasted medication is costing the NHS £4 millions every year
Check before you order your medicine
Only order what you need.
Further information may also be found on the national website
Practice News uk - Info for managing your asthma - Info for managing your COPD - Info on Coronavirus
Patients can take a greater involvement in their own healthcare via the internet, in a similar way to shopping or banking online.
My Health Online gives patients the opportunity to book GP appointments order repeat prescriptions update their general details such as change of address all from the convenience of your own computer or device.
Contact the Surgery to get access Online.
Long-term illnesses are managed by the whole health care team.
Chronic disease refers to medical conditions that may have an ongoing impact on your health. In particular we use this term to refer to the following conditions:
Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, CKD (Chronic kidney disease),
Mental Health conditions such as schizophrenia or bipolar depression,
Ischaemic heart disease, Heart Failure, Stroke, mini-stroke (TIA), Rheumatoid , Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Thyroid disease, Atrial Fibrillation,
Peripheral arterial disease
We encourage our patients to take an active role in helping to manage their own conditions, but it is helpful to come for a review once a year.
We would like to ask for your help in this matter. By taking responsibility for your medical condition you can help ensure that you are having the best possible care.
This review process is important and we will not be able to continue prescribing repeat medications without it.
Treat Yourself Better
My Health Online
Your Pharmacy
Screening for life
Stop smoking
Chronic Disease
148 Clare Road
CF11 6RW
TEL: 02920 388081
FAX: 02920 388832
Copyright © 2014 - 2020 Clare Road Medical Centre
Monday - Friday 8.00-18.30
Saturday & Sunday Closed
Bank Holidays Closed