• Equality and Diversity Policy
  • Comments or complaints about our services

Change of address


If you change name, address or telephone number, please let our receptionists know by calling or writing to us. It's important that your contact details are kept up to date so we can contact you if necessary. If you are receiving treatment at hospital you should also inform them of any changes.



Access to medical records


The practice is registered and complies with the Data Protection Act 1998. Any request for access to notes by a patient, patient’s representative or outside body will be dealt with in accordance with the Act. Please contact the Practice Manager for further information.



Patient confidentiality


We respect your right to privacy and keep all your health information confidential and secure. It is important that the NHS keeps accurate and up-to-date records about your health and treatment so that those treating you can give you the best possible care. This information may be used for management and audit purposes. However, it is usually only available and used by those involved in your care. You have the right to know what information we hold about you.


If you would like to see your records please contact the Practice Manager.


All information held at the Practice about patients is confidential whether held electronically or in hard copy


Clare Road Medical Centre regards the confidentiality of patient and staff information most importance. All staff are trained to ensure that Patient information remains within the confines of the practice premises. All staff have a Contract of Employment which includes a confidentiality clause. They also sign a confidentiality agreement which covers patients, practice and personnel information, covering written, electronic or verbal information. This agreement applies to all staff both during and after they cease employment at the Practice. Policy applies to all employees including temporary staff.



Patient rights and responsibilities


You Can Expect From Us


We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff in a similarly respectful way

To receive a high standard of health care, health screening and prevention.

To be referred to a specialist by a GP when appropriate.

To be provided with information on your care and the alternatives available before agreeing to treatment.

To receive prompt treatment in the event of an emergency.

The guarantee that the information in your medical records will be protected and that staff will adhere to the rules of confidentiality.

To see your medical records in the presence of a doctor or senior member of staff. Certain details may be withheld if your doctor believes this is in your best interest. To be kept informed of any changes and developments at the practice.


Patient Responsibilities


Inform us of your past illnesses, medication, hospital admissions and any other relevant details.

Treat the medical and administrative staff with the level of courtesy and politeness you would expect to receive.

Being punctual for your appointment time and notifying the practice as soon as possible if you are unable to keep the appointment.

Making more than one appointment if more than one person in your family needs to be seen.

Making a longer appointment if you have several problems to discuss with the doctor.

By indicating to reception staff the reason for making an appointment with the practice nurse i.e. travel vaccinations, cervical smear etc. This will enable the receptionist to allot the correct amount of time for the procedure.

Request emergency appointments ONLY for urgent medical problems.

Ringing for test results from 2.30pm

Requesting repeat prescriptions in plenty of time.


 At the Surgery


You will be treated with dignity, courtesy and respect at all times, irrespective of ethnic origin, sexuality, religious belief, personal attributes or the nature of your health problems.

You will be welcomed by our reception staff. They are able to give you advice on any non-clinical issues.

You can expect to be seen  of your appointment time. An explanation will be given if the practice fails to meet this standard.


Equality and Diversity Policy


Our policy is designed to ensure and promote equality and inclusion, supporting the ethos and requirements of the Equality Act 2010 for all visitors of our practice. We are committed to:

>ensuring that all visitors are treated with dignity and respect

>promoting equality of opportunity between men and women

>not tolerating any discrimination or perceived discrimination against, or harassment of, any visitor for reason of age, sex, gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief

providing the same treatment and services (including the ability to register with the practice) to any visitor irrespective of age, sex, marital status, pregnancy, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, medical condition, religion or belief


This policy applies to the general public, including all patients and their families, visitors and contractors.




Discrimination by the Practice or Visitors / patients against you.


If you feel discriminated against:


You should bring the matter to the attention of Practice Manager

Our Practice Manager Manager will investigate the matter thoroughly and confidentially within 14 working days

Practice Manager will establish the facts and decide whether discrimination has taken place and advise you of the outcome of the investigation within 14 working days

If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you should raise a formal complaint through our Complaints Procedure.


Discrimination against our Practice staff.


The Practice will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment of our staff by any visitor. Any visitor who expresses any form of discrimination against or harassment of any member of our staff will be required to leave the practice premises immediately. If the visitor is a patient they may also be removed from the practice list if any such behaviour occurs at the discretion of the Practice Management.



Comments or complaints about our services


The Practice implemented the process known as 'Putting Things Right' (www.puttingthingsright.wales.nhs.uk)

We welcome your views on the service on the service we provide. All comments are considered at our regular team meetings.

If you do not wish to give your name and address, please use the suggestion box in the waiting room. The practice operates an in-house complaints procedure. If you have a complaint, please contact the Practice manager by letter, telephone or in person. All complaints will be acknowledged and full response provided within two weeks.

If you are not satisfied with our explanation, you may wish to write to the Complaint Manager at Cardiff Local Health Board.



Complaints policy


We take complaints very seriously. If you would like to make a complaint regarding the surgery or the services we offer, please contact the Practice Manager by telephone or, if you prefer, in writing. Every effort will be made to answer your concerns as soon as possible.


Clare Road Medical Centre

148 Clare Road

Grangetown, Cardiff

CF11 6RW

Telephone: 029 20 388 081


Violent or abusive behaviour




The Practice operates a zero tolerance policy towards patients who are violent or abusive to the doctors, nurses or members of staff.

Patients who act in a violent or abusive manner will be removed from the Practice list.

The Practice staff are here to help and assist you in a polite and helpful manner and require the same respect afforded to them.


Patients will also be removed from the list in the following circumstances:


Violence and aggression towards staff or members of the public.

Damage to practice property or equipment.

Change of residence to outside of the practice area.

Persistent misuse of the system.

Patients who the doctors are unable to manage clinically e.g. breach of contract with doctor regarding use of prescribed medicine, break down in patient communication.

Patients who are disruptive and display aggressive and/or intimidating behaviour and refuse to leave the premises, staff are instructed to dial 999 for Police assistance, charges may then be brought against these individuals.



Your local health board


The area served by Clare Road  Medical Centre is in the district covered by Cardiff Local Health Board,

which is responsible for ensuring you receive all the services you need.

The PCT also produces Your Guide to Local Health Services.


Cardiff and Vale University Health Board


Woodlands House 2nd Floor

Maes y Coed Rd

Heath Park

Cardiff CF14 4HH

Tel :029 20 747 747


Web Site: www.cardiffuhb.wales.nhs.uk



Using this website


The medical information on this website and any sites linked to from this website, gives general advice only and SHOULD NOT be

used as a substitute for the personal advice patients when consulting a GP.



GMS Access Standards


People receive a prompt response to their contact with a GP practice via telephone.

• Practices have the appropriate telephony systems in place to support the needs of people avoiding the need to call back multiple times and will          check that they are handling calls in this way.

• People receive bilingual information on local and emergency services when contacting a practice.

• People are able to access information on how to get help and advice.

• People receive the right care at the right time in a joined up way which is based on their needs.

• People can use a range of options to contact their GP practice.

• People are able to email a practice to request a non-urgent consultation or a call back.

• Practices understand the needs of people within their practice and use this information to anticipate the demand on its services.



Dyma'r Safonau:

• Mae unigolion yn derbyn ymateb prydlon pan fyddant wedi cysylltu â phractis meddyg teulu dros y ffôn.

• Mae gan bractisau y systemau ffôn priodol ar waith i gefnogi anghenion unigolion sy'n golygu nad oes angen ffonio nôl sawl gwaith a byddant yn sicrhau eu bod yn ymateb i alwadau fel hyn.

• Mae unigolion yn cael gwybodaeth ddwyieithog am wasanaethau lleol a brys pan fyddant yn cysylltu â phractis.

• Mae unigolion yn gallu cael gwybodaeth am sut i gael help a chyngor.

• Mae unigolion yn cael y gofal cywir ar yr amser priodol mewn ffordd gyd gysylltiedig ar sail eu hanghenion.

• Mae unigolion yn gallu elwa ar amrywiol opsiynau i gysylltu â'u practis meddyg teulu.

• Mae unigolion yn gallu anfon e-bost at bractis yn gofyn am ymgynghoriad nad yw'n frys neu'n gofyn iddynt eu ffonio nôl.

• Mae practisau'n deall anghenion unigolion yn eu practis ac yn defnyddio'r wybodaeth hon i ragweld y galw fydd am eu gwasanaethau.





Practice News

148 Clare Road



CF11 6RW


TEL: 02920 388081

FAX: 02920 388832

Copyright © 2014 - 2020 Clare Road Medical Centre


Monday - Friday         8.00-18.30


Saturday & Sunday         Closed


Bank Holidays                 Closed